Throughout my life I have been inspired by many great people who have had the courage to go out on a limb & explore the frontiers of mind, body, spirit & to bring their wisdom & understandings of how to live a better life on this earth. I too am a risk-taker & adventurer, & I trust my heart to guide me to ‘the truth’ … Then I bring these ‘truths into my work & trust that the people who come to me have something to gain through their contact with me … So, here are some of favourite sources of inspiration … & I trust that they will also bring inspiration & guidance to you as they did for me …
Dr Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., (formerly a stem-cell biologist) is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science & spirit; & he has been a source of great inspiration to me through his books & DVD’s, in which he shares the results of his research & understandings. The implications of this research could radically & profoundly change your perception of life as he describes how he discovered that genes & DNA do not control our biology; but instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive & negative thoughts.
This is a link to Dr Lipton’s website, where you can view many video presentations of his interviews & workshops over the years. You can also purchase his books & DVD’s.
Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science & spirituality, & offering insight into how to open doors to our greatest possibilities. Gregg has been a source of great inspiration to me, through his books/ DVD’s/ etc. Through his work Gregg offers us powerful new ways of seeing the world & reveals why we are not limited by the “laws” of physics & biology; how to speak the quantum language of healing/ peace/ abundance/ & change; & how to make the simple shift in belief that catapults us beyond the limitations of our past.
This is a link to Gregg Braden’s website, where you can view many video presentations of his interviews & workshops over the years. You can also purchase his books/ CD’s/ & DVD’s.
Dr Masaru Emoto proved through his research that water receives & understands even the subtlest vibrations … & thus molecules of water are affected by thoughts/ words/ feelings … Water shows us the energy contained in words by forming beautiful hexagonal shaped crystals in the face of positive emotions, whereas negative emotions prevented the water from crystallizing & often formed distorted images. And given that water makes up about 70% of our bodies
then our attitude to the world & the attitude of other people toward us goes a long way towards the formation or maintenance of health & wellbeing.
The first image is a crystal formed due to feelings of ‘Happiness’. Whereas the second image is of a crystal formed through feelings of ‘Love & Gratitude’ toward Dolphins as teachers of ‘Unconditional Love’ on Earth.
Find out more about Dr Masaru Emoto & see more water-crystal images at:–
- or
- & see or buy books/ cd’s/ & products inspired by Dr Masaru Emoto at
- Find out more about LifeLine Technique Australia here
- Find out more about Dr Darren Weissman & buy his Books/ DVD’s/ Webinars/ Healing Circle Downloads & many other resources at
- If you have got the idea by now that I love to study the brain & the mind & research the best ways to make lasting changes, then you are right!! And if you like to watch movies you might also like to hire or buy yourself a copy of “What the Bleep Do We Know” which was originally released in February 2004, which has also been a source of great inspiration to me. And if you like the movie & want to know more there is a Quantum version with hours of extra footage of the interviews with physicists/ engineers/ physicians/ biologists/ researchers/ journalists/& mystics . Below is the link to the website:–
- Graphic design created on this website by Danielle Dean